영어사설로 영어 끝장내기

By all means, we only hope that both the successful candidates and the unsuccessful candidates will work together in one accord for the development of the special autonomy and the improvement of the provincial people’s life to disentangle a complicated matter and antagonism exposed during[in] the run-up to the election.
아무쪼록 당선자와 낙선자 모두 그동안의 갈등과 반목을 씻고 특별자치도의 발전과 도민의 삶의 질 향상을 위해 합심해 나갈 것을 바랄 뿐이다. <2006년6월1일자>

■ 표현정리
아무쪼록=by all means; as much as one can; to the best of one’s ability; I beg; If you please; kindly
당선자=elected person; a successful candidate; the elected《총칭》
낙선자=unsuccessful[a defeated] candidate 《for》
갈등=complications;(a) trouble; difficulties; discord;(a) dissension;(a) conflict; a feud
반목=antagonism; antipathy; hostility;enmity; variance
양자간의 반목-antagonism between the two
계급간에 서로 반목케 하다-set one class against another
사람을 서로 반목케 하다-set 《a person》 at odds with 《another》
자치=self-government; self-administration; autonomy; home rule
도민=the inhabitants[residents] of a province; the provincial people; the provincials
삶=life; living; existence
생활수준을 향상시키다-elevate the standard of living
여성들의 사회적 지위를 향상시키다-raise[elevate] the social status of women
사회 복지를 향상시키다-promote social welfare
노동자의 생활을 향상시키다-improve the conditions of laborers
합심=unison; accord; concert ―하다 be united; act in concert 《with》
합심하여-with one accord,
합심하여 일하다-work together in one accord
갈등을 해소하다=disentangle[unravel] a complicated matter ; settle 《a problem》
선거 운동 기간 중에=during[in] the run-up to the election

<양윤택.미국 태평양대 국제학대학원 교수. 스리랑카 한국국제대학 영어교육학과 교수>

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